Wed. Jul 24th, 2024

iPhone Craze in 2022

Have you heard about iPhone? Of course, you have because iPhone is one of the leading smartphones in the business. More than 1 billion people use iPhones today, an increase of 5.48% from the past year. In addition, the iPhone craze in 2022 has excited the market, as getting an iPhone is a dream for almost everyone.llamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

History of the iPhone

Apple Company announced the first iPhone on Jan 9, 2007, and released it on June 29, 2007, with some crucial features, including a 3.5-inch diagonal screen, 2-megapixel camera, and 4GB/8GB RAM. The price was $499 and $599 for the two models. After the first release of the iPhone, the company brought new models annually, increasing its features gradually until today.

iPhone Craze in 2022

All Models of iPhone from the beginning to 2022

  1. iPhone (2007)
  2. iPhone 3G (2008)
  3. iPhone 3Gs (2009)
  4. iPhone 4 (2010)
  5. iPhone 4S (2011)
  6. iPhone 5 (2012)
  7. iPhone 5S/5C (2013)
  8. iPhone 6/6 Plus (2014)
  9. iPhone 6s/6s Plus (2015)
  10. iPhone 7/7 Plus (2016)
  11. iPhone 8/8 Plus (2017)
  12. iPhone X (2017)
  13. iPhone XR (2018)
  14. iPhone XS/XS Max (2018)
  15. iPhone 11 (2019)
  16. iPhone 11 Pro/Pro Max (2019)
  17. iPhone 12/12 mini (2020)
  18. iPhone 12 Pro/Pro Max (2020)
  19. iPhone 13/13 mini (2021)
  20. iPhone 13 Pro/Pro Max (2021)
  21. iPhone 14 (Coming Soon)

iPhone had 11 million users in 2008 and reached over 1 billion worldwide.

Why is the iPhone so famous?

iPhone is famous worldwide because of the company’s brand value, which has been maintained and upgraded since the beginning. As a result, most celebrities and big shots use iPhones today, increasing their value. In general, I believe they are well-known for their superior construction, security, seamless hardware and software integration, and a host of other factors.

You’ll notice a lot of cell phones if you visit any coffee shop, bar, restaurant, or other public area and glance around. Additionally, the likelihood is high that most of the phones you encounter will be iPhones, depending on where you are. Why, then, are iPhones so widespread? If you now own an Android phone, you might have thought about switching many times and wondered if it would be worthwhile. Learn why you should convert to an iPhone immediately by researching what makes iPhones superior to their Android counterparts.

Some of the essential features of iPhones are:

  • Built-quality
  • High-Resolution Cameras
  • Powerful Processor
  • Dominant Operating System (IOS)
  • Siri (Voice-activated virtual assistant)
  • Wireless Charging
  • Useful built-in apps

iPhone among the Youths

iPhone is not only famous among elders but for youngsters. As the phone is feature-loaded with various exciting features, the new generation loves it. Most of them use iPhones for entertainment purposes, but some find them useful for work-related use like videography, professional photography, professional gaming and many more. Many people earn money from iPhones by developing high-quality video content, streaming etc. The first-generation iPhones cost $499 and $599, reaching around $1599 due to the upgrades from then to now.

Some of the drawbacks of having an iPhone would be:


  1. Expensive
  2. Non-replaceable parts
  3. High repair cost
  4. Larger size apps
  5. Less free apps

iPhone on the way?

Apple is planning to bring four new models this year:



  • Two high-end models (6.1-inch and 6.7-inch versions)
  • Two low-end models (exact sizes)

Major Upgrades

Some possible significant upgrades in the new iPhone are:



  • Body Design (Titanium Chassis Design)
  • Faster A16 Chip
  • New Hardware design
  • Hole and Pill Shaped design for the selfie camera and FaceID
  • Wide-angle camera upgrade to 48 MP

Prices are expected to be around $1000 and above.

Finally please check our blog, Technology in the Modern World.

Similarly, If you are interested in technology and want to learn more, explore the right course for you online or study in the UK.

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