Youth towards Democracy
Youth, conflict, and democracy are associated terms; when one is altered, the other is affected. When the youth of a particular nation is disengaged or misguided, they might create conflict, and democracy might be terminated like scrap metal. When democracy itself is entrapped, then so are the youth and conflict.
A democracy is a government of people’s authority. Equality regarding social, economic and political aspects, equal justice, rights and freedom, decentralisation policy, classlessness, religious tolerance, no racial discrimination, no suppression of the management and system, etc., come under the democratic principle. In the present context, children should also intend to think about democracy and to revolutionise the nation and the world through it.

As synonyms, peace and democracy are correlated. When one is unnatural, there will be a significant influence on the other. It’s more confiscated to accomplish peace than we think since complex tribulations and innumerable bends must be crossed. In searching for the best options for peace agreements, peaceful dialogues may be the best way to clarify and solve the heaps of agendas. Many challenges have to be shouldered. In dealing with the risks, each person must have the patience to open the door to possibilities. Negotiation could play a leading role. Youth should comprehend its reality.
Conflict is part of daily social life. Whether within our family and community or in the national and international arenas. The vital thing is that how we resolve it is either a positive or negative matter. Sometimes it leads to positive results. Generally, dialogue and conversation reduce conflict and violence. Conflict and violence are born in the lack of democracy, justice, human rights, peace, education, employment, awareness, opportunity, etc.
Sometimes, if we fail to respect others’ identities, others are plenty of chances to lose respect for others and end up in conflict. Similarly, ambition and ego play vital roles in the development of the competition. Taking the example of conflict, violence and dictatorship in affected countries such as Nepal, negligence, avoidance, and compulsive sacrifice never help to solve the problem. Instead, understanding each other’s everyday mother’s concerns, respecting each other, listening to each other and highlighting the wishes of the voiceless are the keys to solving problems.
People must develop the habit of hearing others’ voices to others’ misunderstandings and conflicts. At the same time, we must allow constant change (at the levels of policy creation, parliament or government) for all communities and groups. Furthermore, youth must develop forums, organisations, institutions and committees at local, national and international levels for engagement and empowerment. Because unengaged youth contribute to conflict and violence, there is an excellent chance to exploit their power in such a situation.
The youth must also promote and practice human rights, develop a culture of peace, and change the community for the better. Children are forced and guided to revolt against the system or government, but only the adults showing them are appointed to high posts. However, youths are more responsible and effective than them. Therefore, children should be given equal opportunities to adults to increase their efficiency and interest in politics.
Youths are the next generation’s leaders and an integral part of society and the nation. They can push their communities and the world toward the brightness of democracy. Youth have to build up a forum to encourage and support each other. Thus, they can cooperate with other young people to promote peaceful alternatives to violence nationally and internationally to protect and promote human rights. These activities may be an excellent example for any group forbidding anyone to use weapons. They may encourage others to raise their voices and endorse freedom of expression, institutional democracy and sustainable peace.
At the same time, the youth’s skills and enthusiasm are misused in political, social and regional agendas. The child should change the attitudes of those who regard them as death machines, easy weapons of violence, etc. Are violence and youth two sides of one coin? Is violence the character of a child? Can’t youth be involved? Can’t restoration and compensation work like saving humanity, building peace, protecting kids, women and labour rights? The time has come for children to prove that they also have compassionate hearts, adore their existence, have the spirit of saving this beautiful earth, and set an example for human beings worldwide.
Youth should also prove that youth power can expend the most significant efforts to bring humanity together, restore peace and change the community and the world. It is presently a significant issue that the involvement of young people is essential in making democracy robust, reliable and lengthy. Youth have an opportunity to construct a wonderful innovative world. Jointly, they can make it happen or, together, turn their backs and accept the world that others create, whether good or bad. Many national and international forums bring together youth from around the world who are greatly inspired to be change agents to create a better world for all. United, they can make a difference for the next generation.
To make democracy strong, youth understand the culture, individual perspectives and the reason for various conflicts and violence in each area of the nation. Furthermore, the cause that governments, political parties and non-governmental groups are constantly mobilising youth in the name of nationality, religion, political identity, superiority and so on should be known to us. Today’s youth want to participate in leading Today’s political parties, governments and policy creation. The opportunities are the essential factors.
Country Case Study
Nepal, one of the developing countries in the world, has suffered from deadly internal conflict for ten years. The national treasury was depleted to maintain internal security, and rival groups destroyed many infrastructures. Instead of uplifting the country’s standards through joint efforts, the people and the king fought for power.
Nowadays, Nepal is marching onwards, blowing the whistle of peace. Successfully led by a grassroots people’s movement seeking to restore a democratic-republican government, Nepal may retain its title as the “Peace Zone” The king has relinquished power “, an interior” government has been developed, the Maoists have called a ceasefire, and a peace process is seemingly underway. However, such opportunities to gain peace are fragile in cycles of conflict. Moreover, demonstrations by the people of the Terai region and other disadvantaged groups articulate that many marginalised groups still wish to have their voices heard and demand more inclusive political representation.
Reconciliation is necessary for national development, long-lasting peace, democracy, etc. Maoists are in government and out of the “jungle”, and their arms and weapons are und “r a U” monitoring team. However, they are still involved in conflict and violence in the name of the Young Communist League (YCL) and other organisations. Therefore, questions abound: how can Maoists join a democratic system? How will the Nepalese people forgive the Maoists for their previous hate, conflict and violent activities? And how will they, too, participate in government? The answers to these questions will provide an excellent example to other war-torn countries for conflict resolution and reconciliation.
As lasting peace moves ahead and citizens discuss an inclusive vision of a new Nepal, we should listen to and implement civil society agendas. It is significant to listen to the voices and perspectives of the youth too. Not only have a child been heavily affected by ongoing violence and human rights abuses, but they have also tackled the root causes of conflict and promoted long-term stability and development. Therefore, youth should find ways to ensure democracy is obtained at the cost of our devoted and courageous martyrs” lives.
Democracy has martyrs” during its entire term of 10 years after restoration in 1990, but the democratic process still seems ineffective in striking roots in society. There may be several explanations for why the system failed to deliver services. Still, these explanations would not make sense for the people, the ultimate stakeholders in this multi-party democracy. They look for results and positive impacts in their day-to-day lives. But, unfortunately, they have yet to be able to improve their lot. If things are to deteriorate the same way, the very survival of democracy might become difficult.
The political organs of government must consistently deliver justice and service due to the people. In the same way, the parliament could be more effective in discharging its responsibility. Their political calculations condition the attitudes of political parties and leaders in parliament in the power struggle. Nothing seems to be inspired by a desire to deliver justice and services to the people. There needs to be more ethics in political behaviour. The situation is getting worse and out of control, and it is time to ring the national alarm bell.
Authoritarian monarchical rule under the partyless political system was considered responsible for Nepal’s wrong political performance Nepal’s ever; the government party under the democratic setup could equally not change the country’s course from feudalism nostalgia. Therefore, people’s aspirations for genuine demo good governance under effective public policy management are frustrated. There is widespread disenchantment in society. Corruption is institutionalised, widely and openly practised from the lowest levels to the ministries and the palace. In addition, the Maoists'” insurgency created several Maoist crises in the country.
The Nepalese people’s joy knew no bounds when the people said they would finally breathe in the fresh air of independence. Every Nepali has seen a ray of hope that, at last, they will march towards progress. After a crucial nineteen days of crisis and the bloodshed of several martyrs, the Nepalese were hopeful for a republican form of government.
There was a time when people abroad marvelled at how the diverse Nepalese could live together in perfect harmony. Now the situation in the country is just the opposite. Since Nepal was declared a secular state, communal tension has flared up. It would be good for the government to reassess the pros and cons of declaring Nepal a secular state.
The joy in the heart of the Nepalese knew no bounds when the monarchy was abolished as a clear mandate of the “Jana Andolan I”. Civilians were convinced that shah” ings were only interested in amassing property at the cost of the familiar people and that no leader who acted contrary to the interests of his own country and people had the right to remain in power. Everyone has equal rights in the country regarding freedom of expression, but it doesn’t mean these rights should not create revolt at such a critical point. The public should comprehend that they are here to make a peaceful and developed Nepal, not to terminate and spoil the remaining part.
Instead of making controversial accusations and internal conflict against each other, the leaders should work together to keep the problematic situation of the nation in view and form a new Nepal. It is only possible through the firm, united efforts and awareness of the youth of Nepal. The involvement of all political parties and youth, adults and older people will lead to the climax of our youth’s enthusiasm, eagerness, abilities, passion, interest, curiosity, excitement, skill levels, capacity, and talents are essential factors for development.
As we know, a country’s development is closely related. Only develop if the bulk fund’s contents maintain internal security. The government can only accomplish its developmental task if it has democratic principles, a democratic system and democratic policies. For this to happen, the involvement of dedicated, patriotic, loyal, diplomatic, tactful and faithful youth is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond the conflict and towards reconciliation, national development and democracy.
We hope you find some helpful information on Youth Toward Democracy. Similarly, visit Peace and International Youth Summer School and the Youth Business.
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