Wed. Feb 5th, 2025


Choosing Life A Challenge

Choosing Life A Challenge

Choosing Life a Challenge

Choosing Life a Challenge – Several right-wing civil society leaders have recently declared that a large, costly military is necessary for Nepal’s survival in the 21st century. They believe some of the costs can be offset by participation in UN peacekeeping operations, but this would be a small part. Instead, some propose a role as a mercenary provider. They argue that having a hundred thousand soldiers hanging around the barracks is far more critical than having an equal number of teachers, health care personnel or infrastructure construction workers.

Under their plan, the army could make marginal contributions in this area, but their primary role would be military. But, as demonstrated by that most discerning test, the nation’s number one priority, the amount it is willing to spend, is its killing machine. I’m afraid I have to disagree. Only a fool would believe that any conceivable Nepalese army could repel an unlikely attack by India or China. These critics gloss over the NA’s horrific human rights record and the lack of commitment among its top ranks to democracy. Instead, they imagine Nepal as somehow invulnerable to a military coup d’etat. The militarists think that a big army is a mark of prestige; I believe it is a mark of disgrace.

Choosing Life A Challenge

With people starving to death in the West and alarming maternal and infant mortality rates, spending so much on a fighting force is cruel, immoral and shameful. Surely the police forces can be cleansed of their numerous thugs, murderers, rapists, robbers and extortionists, better trained and made more accountable for handling domestic security. The remaining military personnel can be disarmed and assigned to healing, teaching and rebuilding the nation. Nepal’s leaders would do well to heed the words attributed to God in the Bible, “I have placed before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose the life that you and your children might live.”

I want to pose a challenge to the government. I would like to know if you can give me the support I need and depute 100 NA and Maoist cadres; I was selected to attend an 18-month Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic training program. This training will be new to Nepal and is intensively focused on treating severe or life-threatening injuries, illnesses or other medical events, such as childbirth and its complications. As a career emergency medicine specialist and teacher, and given the number of bright, motivated young people in Nepal, we can turn out world-class personnel who can be posted to district hospitals to save lives in emergencies at no additional cost to the nation.

Let me take the challenge one step further. Nepal’s high unemployment, population, and economic growth require young people to work abroad. But instead of working as mercenaries, as envisioned by the pro-military factions, or as labourers or prostitutes, why not train nurses whose skills are in demand worldwide and whose wages are excellent? Can’t Nepal export professionals? Wouldn’t their much greater remittances contribute to economic growth at home? So give me some bright young soldiers of both genders and some support, and we’ll train them for three years; during their clinical assignments, they will augment staffing in the zonal hospital, and after graduation, they can serve a 3-year “payback” term after which they are free to go abroad.

These programs should be conducted in the areas of greatest need and with students drawn primarily from disadvantaged castes. To achieve political stability, the country must surpass the Kathmandu-centric, high-caste-dominated model that has prevailed for the past 237 years. Had projects like this been undertaken after the Jana Andolan I, there likely would never have been a Maoist insurgency. People didn’t join the Maoists for the snazzy uniforms or the pithy saying of Mao. Still, a better life and any government which does not make rapid progress toward delivering it are destined to fail.

Forget its mighty rivers, its majestic peaks or its remarkable biodiversity. Nepal’s most incredible resource is its sincere, intelligent, hard-working and adaptable people. As my hero, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, said, “The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.” So give us some support, and we’ll show you what we can do. Admittedly this proposal is small in scale, but better to light one small candle than curse the darkness. Moreover, it can serve as a prototype for other programs for the vocational retraining, psychological rehabilitation and social reintegration of a generation traumatised by war, desensitised to suffering and denied more productive careers.

Indeed Nepal’s youth are better utilised by bringing out the best—compassion, kindness, scientific knowledge and life-saving skill—than the worst—violence, hatred and lust for blood. And as for courage, who needs more of it, the adrenalin-pumped, psychologically manipulated, armed soldier or the paramedic who braves flames and landslides to save strangers’ lives? As Dante Alighieri taught us, “Think of your breed. For brutish ignorance, you were not made; you were made human to follow after excellence and knowledge.”

Finally, we hope that you like choosing the life a Challenging article. It was written by By Prof. Brian Cobb, M.D.

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Young Female Change the World

Young Female Change the World

Young Female Change the World

What do you first think about Young Female Change the World? Females constitute about half the population of this globe and receive from men, governments and religious organisations in some parts of the world. If the female gets the same freedom enjoyed by males and the country’s laws clearly state that females are to be treated as male equal in all spheres of life, then a female can occupy the highest office in any nation. She can enter any profession and even the field of politics, and there is no prohibited area for her.

Young females in urban areas have come forward to compete with men and demand their share of places or jobs in legislatures, government offices and other institutions, including business concerns. However, no such opportunities exist for females living in remote villages where they are compelled to draw water from wells and springs situated many miles away for drinking and washing purposes.

Young Female Change the World

There is a reasonable quotation by Napoleon Bonaparte, “Give me a good mother. I’ll give you a good nation.” From this statement, we know that female is also great in the eye of male. Some female youngsters, particularly those studying in colleges and universities, love to get high with cocaine and other intoxicants.

Females in rural areas fall into two categories; those who belong to do families live a comfortable life, but those from farm labourers work hard in their houses and fields. However, it is bitter that women claiming equality and freedom are chronic in stripteases, beauty contests, romance, marrying, and divorcing their male counterparts in Western culture. The reality of contemporary liberty and satisfaction has absorbed them in the status-quism, not thinking and planning for the future. To be acquainted with the present state of freedom and equality, the Western female had to wage a long and arduous struggle lasting more than a century.

The female emancipation movement, spearheaded by many feminist societies, ultimately secured their fundamental rights. On the one hand, a uniform civil code will permit females greater freedom and equality; on the other hand, communities of minority status are dead set against such a code. As the Socio-political and economic threat has drawn greater attention in the modern age, females fighting for freedom and equality fiercely fall behind in the shade. It is a bitter reality that women are discouraged in the national and international arena stage. Even the media highlights the leaders and highly professional males in publicity rather than the females on whom the program is focused.

The sympathy for significant issues, grievances and ill-treatment of females is shown only when some national or international conferences are organised. However, Amnesty International and some other human rights organisations continue to focus on the plight of females in those countries where they are not treated as human beings. Even the UNO is aware of denying equality and justice to females in many countries. Most females are fighting for freedom, equality and peace. I wonder what is in the universe that a female can not do! We can encourage ourselves with numerous examples of females like Madam Quire, Florence Nightingale, and Mother Teresa.

Young females can drive society independently because they have a strong will, dynamism, intellect and the ability to network in changing their communities. In this 21st century, young females can participate and compete with a male in any field. In this context, Feminist has raised the slogan “Male and female are equal, and there are no differences between them due to their gender, race and classes they are from”. Females may have not only beautiful faces but also a good brains. Therefore, they can bring success in any field where they want.


It is a fact that females and males have a place to develop and sharpen their talents and capabilities and widen their thinking horizons. It requires some fundamental things to comply with for a better future, such as qualification, skill and willpower. The essential thing is confidence and desire. Females, the most worthy characters, have been dynamically enthusiastic over some particular aims and goals. For every young generation, enthusiasm is necessary for climbing the ladder of success. To reach the present success of freedom and equality, the female had to wage for a long.

The female emancipation movement spearheaded by many feminist societies ultimately secured them such fundamental rights as educational facilities, employment opportunities, voting rights and humane divorce laws. But each community of the country wants to be governed by its law which is heavily weighted against women. Only a uniform civil code can give women greater freedom and equality, but minority communities are dead-set against such a code.

To overcome the seen or unseen problems of females, groups of youth females from different sectors form one forum named “Young Female Change the World”. Under the auspices of this campaign, yearly discussions are held in various sectors to improve the intricacy of females and suggest better ways of achieving the goal.

Female participation in the freedom struggle ensures a bright future for women. Females could put aside their veils and participate in the battle for independence. The constitution grants equality to all females. Society has accepted the new concept of feminism. Today, young females are advancing in every field. They study various subjects like history, philosophy, psychology, science, mathematics, arts etc. They are now doctors, engineers, professors, administrators, lawyers, politicians, scientists and artists. They have entered the military, armed forces and air force. Females secure a highly respectable position in respected areas. These females have proved their worth and calibre in their respective departments successfully.

The main focus of this organisation is for the young female to build up the law on their side and make awareness of their rights that has placed both urban and rural females and create the situation from which there are straightforward and honourable positions. Females can raise their voices against the antisocial attribute. Young female is the actual builders of the nation. They are the founder of the home, and the house is the country’s foundation. Thus, the power of the government is in the hands of a young female. It is rightly said, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the power that rules the world”.

We hope you find some helpful information on Young Female Change the World. Similarly, visit Peace and  International Youth Summer School and the Youth Business.

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Nepal: Human Rights in Perplexity

Nepal: Human Rights in Perplexity

Nepal: Human Rights in Perplexity

(First published date: 2006/2007)


Nepal is the country for whom? Democracy is only the pretence of a word; human rights are only a constitutional decoration. Similarly, a resolved peace agenda is the only possible way to create a stable government.

Nepal is the poorest country in the world, with low per capita income and other low demographic indicators. Due to political instability and an unsystematic development process, the nation has been unable to fulfil the needs of the poor for a long time. Before 1990, the non-democratic government, which ruled for 30 years, never worried about national development. As a result, corruption, administrative carelessness, impunity, criminal activities, and many other social evils have existed within the nation due to bad governance, which was especially exposed through open media after the restoration of democracy in 1990.

Nepal: Human Rights in Perplexity

In the 1990s, a popular movement created a new constitution with an explicit provision of fundamental rights, allowing the Nepalese people to develop into citizens of the King’s fellow citizens. However, the political parties concentrated on their welfare rather than the national and institutional development of democracy. Similarly, ethnic and caste discrimination, economic crisis, and people’s participation in the product and social process became neglected issues.

As a result, wealthy people became richer & richer, and the poor remained almost the same. Thus, ‘Voicing the Voiceless’; rural communities and helpless people are now concerned with the Maoist slogan toward expectation to revolutionise. But this Maoism that has captured the rural areas creates deadly violence using weapons and has killed 4,312 people within nine years. In this situation, the Monarch, King Gyanendra, dissolved the elected government headed by PM Sher Bahadur Deuba on the 4th of October 2002 and retained executive power of the State.

The pro-parliament political parties have been flaying the Royal Declaration from the beginning, labelling it unconstitutional and demanding to correct it. Regrettably, the Royal Palace, never anxious for political parties, continues formulating its road map for the non – democratic way. King Gyanendra imposed a state of emergency on the 1st of February 2005, justifying his seizure of power by blaming Nepal’s political parties for failing to address the nine-year conflict between often brutal Maoist insurgents and government forces.

As a result, all fundamental constitutional rights were suspended, including freedom of assembly and expression; the right to information and privacy; property right; and the prohibition against arbitrary detention. According to the INSEC, 3,332 political activists were arrested, and 2,232 were released from the 1st Feb. to the 2nd June 2005.

Analysing the above situation in Nepal, we can find out some significant problems:


  1. The loss of Democracy
  2. The strangled Constitutional exercise
  3. Peace in perplexity
  4. Violence is developing as a culture.

Human rights and open media are hidden through the lack of democracy and peace. These are the causes of the division of Nepal into four sectors; a Royal Palace with army power; political parties with popular support; Maoism and violent activities; and finally, the International community under the leadership of the UN. As part of the United Nations’ ongoing effort to help find a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Nepal, Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent his Special Adviser, Lakhdar Brahimi, to meet with top officials in the strife-torn Himalayan kingdom of Nepal.

Mr Brahimi, an older diplomat, during his visit to Nepal from the 10th to 15th of July, met with King Gyanendra, senior Government officials, leaders of political parties and a cross-section of representatives from Nepalese society. Likewise, In April, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour and the Government signed an agreement to set up a monitoring operation to help establish accountability for rights abuses and prevent further violations by all sides in the nine-year-old armed conflict with Maoist rebels.

“I don’t believe that peace will come. If the peace talks fail, the fighting will begin again. Even if they succeed, the Army and the Maoists will take all the jobs. If the fighting begins again, we’ll have to run away and hide and hope we survive.” I have picked up this expression from the Elderly Man of Sankhuwasabh Village to explain what types of effects on development the internal war in Nepal has and will have.

In the same way, the Elderly Village Woman added, “We are old. We don’t care about ourselves. We want our children to grow up without war and without being afraid. People say peace has come, but it’s not true. We are still afraid to walk freely, and nobody knows what might happen tomorrow.” These few words are not only the view of these two villagers; it represents the grief of the Nepalese inner soul.

Due to the conflict between Maoist supporters and the government, the above expressions have gained validity. The Maoists control several rural areas of Nepal, and the government has been forced to withdraw police and civil servants to the district capitals. Furthermore, the government has dissolved the local bodies, and as a result, the Maoists have developed their mechanisms for operating the community. For example, they are on the way to launching a new education and centralised property system.

On the other hand, the government implements most of the budget to protect the war, not for primary education, health care and other means of development. Due to the lack of democracy, the major donors and agencies have suspended their funding and army support. This meant severely deteriorating security for the civilian population in the countryside. Besides, several relief projects, NGOs and international donor projects have been forced to pull out their workforce in the remote regions, further generating a problematic situation for the civilians.

Internal displacement is another critical issue, where a large number of people are being displaced every day. Some districts are dispatching people, and some receive large numbers of displaced persons. The displaced people initially come to the district headquarters, city or capital (Kathmandu) and later move further on, seeking shelter and refuge. Currently, Kathmandu is crowded by them, who are in movement, demanding to receive internal refuge from the government and the UN.

Rural youth can either involve themselves in the Maoist movement and raise weapons or exit the country to protect their lives. In this way, the rural area is a youth-free zone. They go to India or the Gulf countries to save their lives. For students, their choices are European and American countries for further studies. In these ways, the Nepalese are well-known as serious violators of the constitution, democracy and human rights, instead of the government of Mt. Everest & Lord Gautam Buddha.

The past educates us; it is a bitter fact that those with military power will never give up their authority effortlessly to those who weep for power energy, particularly those who have pushed a nation into confusion and a quantifiable state. At this time, present political leaders are wrong, not political parties. Democratic governments were unsuccessful, not democracy. In this century, we know a single democracy is a hardware; democratic parties are the operating system, and the Nepalese are users of the Constitutional Monarchy System.

The Royal Palace is that which has not only the Army’s power but the most influential power – the moral support of the Nepalese. They respect the king as a live god because the King is the parent of the Nepalese, not a player in politics. They want warm love, not a Governor. But the King is in politics with the support of army power. On his road map, political parties and people’s agendas are hidden, and he doesn’t want to give power to the present political leader. According to the Maoist, “Without political parties’ government, peace talk is a pleasant drama.”

Corruption, unsuccessful government, administrative carelessness, etc., were activities published because of democracy and open media. More than this, a considerable sequence of corruptive practices is operating with the lack of democratic government. We must discover what corruption was committed when Nepal was under a non-democratic government. Corrupted persons must be punished according to the constitutional process, not as the king orders.

It is foolish to hijack democracy on the grounds of some corruption cases. It is confirmed that while democracy was re-established in Nepal in 1990, previous political system stakeholders were trying to demonstrate democracy as an unsuccessful system to show that the King must be in the power of Nepal. In other words, Nepalese have not received actual democracy. To resolve the conflict, we must return to democracy. History observed a new creation is achievable only in peace and continuous peace, where we can address all section communities’ voices equally.

I want to commit once more to some fundamental things. First, we can not compromise democracy, human rights and open media. In the light of democracy, human rights will grow. For example, in the Nepalese media house, the government has done one experiment after the 1st Feb. 2005, where army forces stay for censorship, and public voices are hidden. That decision is not for public rights. In turn, we must develop all types of media as an authentic source for the news and a platform for the people.

We must develop a strong belief in respecting fundamental human rights, peace and democracy. Our idea revolved around strategic thinking, problem-solving and panning agendas under the theme of peace, not putting too much emphasis on temporary conflict solutions. People have to understand that peace is a process in itself. We have to be educated about it.

In the same way, conflict transformation is a procedure rather than a single act. And can apply at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels – at the intra- and inter-personal, group, community, social, cultural, national and state levels, and involves a series of events and approaches. For conflict transformation to be sustainable and effective, it must address all the stories and manifestations of the conflict, including the actual causes which gave rise to the war.

If our leaders fail to guide the moral campaign for honesty and human dignity, if they are unsuccessful in voicing the fundamentally humane essence of politics, the oppressed, the deprived, the humiliated and the dispossessed will have chosen to forget the humaneness of politics, but will use the solidarity it entails for violence. But on the other hand, if politics does not become a component of the solution, it will motivate a feeling of trust and peaceful dialogue, which is essential at various levels. But, first, there must be a dialogue among political leaders; equally important is a dialogue among people, leaders, scholars, and laypeople.

Now, this is a time to talk about all forms of corruption; economic, social, political, and religious. These issues will be prominent in negotiations- an infected mindset will come to the forefront: people will talk about sacrifice for their country, but they expect to sacrifice from the other side only. All the parties will be engaged in power-grabbing strategies rather than dealing with honest and practical issues.

Maoists understand that if democratic forces are marginalised, they can rule for a few years, maybe decades, but we will be in the same chaos. The country will be plunged into a civil war again, trying to throw the Maoists out of power. Political negotiations and power-sharing is just the beginning. The government should be repaired rapidly; otherwise, political peace will mean nothing: “Millions of hungry stomachs can not survive on peace; they need a piece of bread on their plates”.

An energetic civic society is forever needed for leading the people’s movement because a robust civic association is the foundation of democratic development and creates a just and equitable society. In any time of conflict and politics, when political leaders fail, civic society plays the lead role in bringing about a tangible and lasting solution to problems facing the nation and community for the betterment of the future. Nepal, too, is not an exception. Maoists should realise the importance and necessity of peace and stability for their long-lasting identifications.

The main formula for the solution to the conflict is peace. War and human rights can not move each other. Where there is a war, of course, there are violations of human rights. If there are political instabilities, many problems arise in every field of the country. Considering this view, first of all, we must be clear that multi-party democracy and constitutional monarchy are nature’s gifts for Nepal.

Thus, to make a clear view, the King and political party must go hand in hand to solve problems. After finding a common point, they should call the Maoists for peace talks. The Maoists should take part in their agendas with the aid of a mediator from the United Nations (UN). Governments should accept the UN’s proposal for mediation, which serves to restore the Maoist problems and reconstruct the perplexing constitutional exercise and infrastructure damaged during the civil war.

Maoist problems are political and should be solved politically. If there is a doubt about any issues, let’s develop the culture to go to the people for the last decision. Let’s wake up. It’s too late and take it seriously: we have already lost 12,300 lives and ten years because the country has wanted peace and improvement through the wrong means.

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Third International Youth Summer Camp

Third International Youth Summer Camp in UK, 2004

Third International Youth Summer Camp in the UK, 2004

(First published date: 2004)


Summer School Ltd organised the Third International Youth Summer School, which is a non-profit initiative under the collaboration of the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action. The program was the cumulative effort of several other organisations: the British Council Wales, Save the Children UK and the United World College of the Atlantic.

The British Council supported participants from certain countries in attending the program. The Summer School was responsible for bringing together active young citizens worldwide to promote international understanding & cooperation & encourage further participation in community development projects. This project was held at Atlantic College in South Wales, UK, from 10 to 17 July 2004.

Third International Youth Summer Camp

Atlantic College is located in a beautiful area of South Wales. There is a slope; on the right lies a jungle, and on the left is a small hill where people play and slide down. At the bottom of the slope lies the historic Atlantic Ocean. At the top is a residential area. The classroom buildings are situated below that. As we step down, a garden, park, swimming pool, and two significant football grounds are at the bottom.

Two youth campaigners from Nepal, Mr Subas Darnal and I participated in the program. We were introduced to each other just two days before we left for the UK. I was excited and, at the same time, worried, as this was my first trip to Europe. But my friend Subas was excellent company, so l started to relax. Today the experience was fabulous.

I found out about the program from the internet on a website called Taking It Global. The program’s motto was “Young People Can Change the World”. Groups of young people worldwide were invited to the program: 300 participants from 40 countries participated.

Youth discussed among themselves current issues relevant to them. Their common goal was to contribute to the social, environmental and developmental problems/issues that were faced by their communities, their country, or in a broader sense, the world. The program was built around skills & theme-based workshops and group discussions, all leading to practical group projects. The outcomes from the talks were presented on the event’s final day.

Similarly, the program also served as a forum for youth to explore issues; to build new friendships and collaborations. The program wasn’t all work and no play; there were plenty of opportunities where we had lots of fun. I enjoyed the program as it helped me explore my qualities and skills.

The themes were eclectic, ranging from current issues, games, music, ICT and challenges to international relations and networking. It helped me discover and strengthen my potential in areas I wasn’t aware of. In addition, the summer school was a fantastic cultural exchange among youth with the opportunity to work on ideas.

These events allow young people to build their skills and knowledge through activities encouraging active participation in the outside world. This leads to enhancing their understanding of global citizenship and the qualities of good leadership. Hopefully, these youth will be able to start putting their newly acquired skills into action, and I wish them every success in the future.

Community building is only possible when youth contribute their valuable time, energy and expertise. Community reconstruction is only possible when the child can organise a single forum, interact, network and partner with each other. They should establish themselves as capable human powers of the nation and should develop community leaders. The summer school was part of that, where young people worked for their local community. The organisation acted as a platform to find resources and opportunities at local and international levels.

Principally, this program also aims to provide an opportunity for young people from the UK and many other countries to share their ideas, views and experiences about improving their communities and working towards a better world. Of course, different minds have diverse objectives. In the workshop, I observed the differences among youths. The youth of the developed countries mainly chose culture, movie-making & photography and sports workshops.

In contrast, the child of the developing countries chose human rights, conflict and fundraising-related workshops. I had signed up for the ‘fundraising workshop’. In the workshop, the organiser puts 20 pounds on the table as a cash prize for a person with an excellent proposal to spend the money correctly. “I will implement this 20 pounds for the organisation of a capacity-building project”, one Indian participant expressed her view. A Russian friend drew an image of an older woman and a plan.

One of the African friends displayed some photographs that reflected the very serious livelihood of the people of Africa, pinching the organiser’s heart, and he won 20 pounds. Defiantly, I am still encouraged to fundraise in workshops. We had many things in common, like age, vision, thoughts, a similar daily schedule, problems, identical dress, the same attraction, and an influence for alternatives.

I enjoyed the international night, where we danced with each other and experienced British culture. The exciting parts were an open mic, culture program, fashion show and concert. It still clings in my memory; the Indian girls proposed to dance with them, but my friend, without asking me, said no. Similarly, I missed the chance to perform in the cultural programme because I lost my national dress.

I was involved in different extra curriculum activities as an active participant. For example, we were so crazy about football that we didn’t stop the game even when it rained. I was surprised to find out why my football team always won the game. Notably, I was the representative from the country of Mt. Everest – the highest peak in the world but had only taken wall climbing in summer school in the United Kingdom.

There was a board that stated the danger of swimming in the ocean. It meant we could touch and feel the sea but could not swim in it. However, if we were eager to swim, we could swim in the college’s indoor or outdoor swimming pool. The ocean’s beach was the place where I used to spend time and when I remembered my friends and family.

Ocean, the partner who listens but does not speak, can touch but cannot give a response. It flows in its waves without thinking of what is coming up. You know, I have spent lots of moments just looking at the waves. I saw a ship moving in its smooth motion; I knew it would be in the water for many weeks on its trip. For a few days, while thinking about my work and home, I thought life must have been developing as a journey.

We always don’t like it when it rains. The weather was crazy; we could not tell when it would rain. But, likewise, the college jungle was a lovely place for all the youth to sit and chat. Those seven days developed like a year. On the second day, with a feeling of hesitation, I introduced myself to a girl during breakfast time and shared my interest in her; we had a meal with her that day. After lunch, we had time to browse the net. During that time, we used to fix the activities we would do that day.

We played football where she kicked my leg. “Sorry”, she said to me, not during the football match, but in an email. The evening musical program started that day, and we immensely enjoyed ourselves. Ms Hanna Balshakov, a tall, gorgeous, talkative girl, was with me throughout the program.

After finishing the musical program at 11.00 pm, I still remember that we walked towards the house in the moonlight night on the open sky. Under the open sky, we stayed in a chair, looked at the ocean, and discussed our future. Her face was white. I compared her face to the moon; the moon has freedom of motion, but she had stayed on the chair attached to the earth. That signified that she couldn’t move freely and had much to do. Nevertheless, the moment was pleasing. The sound of the air striking the leaves produced the fragrance of pleasure in the moonlight night.

It was time to return to London on the last day, but she and a few friends had planned to go to Scotland for the 3rd World Youth Congress Pre-Com meeting. I had also wished to go to Scotland, but the program was already fixed, and I had to go elsewhere. We were not able to bear the separation. The departure had made both of us very sad. We had to take separate buses and finally depart. None of the others was in a happy mood. All of us will surely miss the joyous moment. I raised my hands to bid her goodbye. I saw her bus drive into the horizon until I couldn’t see it anymore.

I submitted my 100 words for a summer school competition on the “Best Idea to Change the World” among 300 participants. My idea was considered the best, so I was rewarded 75 pounds by the British Council’s representative. Friends gave me suggestions to create an organisation based on the winning idea; to touch each component of the earth and shake hands for collaboration. I addressed the mass of people working to implement and open an international organisation to deal with ICT, youth and Peace issues.

The organisers, Mr Dayo and Ms Lisa Belfon (Summer School Coordinators), are still in my memory. I had a surprise dinner with Michael, the Centre for Innovation and involuntary action (CIVA) Director, in summer school; I still had to explain my strategy to organise an international youth camp in Nepal.

If there is any person who, after attending this summer school, felt an impact on their life and work in international networking, leadership and organisational management, it’s me. I am sure after summer school, I will have developed all the skills I learned. As a result, I am implementing all the skills and qualities I gained in my organisation.

I appreciated the organiser who provided me with the phenomenal opportunity to talk with the world about the world; dance with them; play with them; swim, cry, laugh, and hug the world – all in 7 days!!! It seemed as though the world was at my feet. Now I am a part of a global community. I have one thing left: I miss you a lot: I remember all of you, my summer school friends, who are in my memory forever. Those who live in the hearts of others never fade away.

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As one of the biggest retailers in America, there’s a good chance a Walmart offers money orders near you. Money orders are available at any Walmart Supercenter or Neighborhood Market. In addition, Walmart partners with MoneyGram to provide money order services. They will charge you a maximum fee of $0.88, but the exact costs vary by location. Learn more at the Customer Service Desk or Money Services Center at your nearest Walmart. Find a Walmart Supercenter near you.

US Postal Service

The US Postal Service is also a great place to get a money order that’s probably close by. You can buy or cash postal money orders from any post office location, and international money orders up to $700 (500 for El Salvador and Guyana) can be purchased. In addition, the USPS can send/receive domestic money orders of up to $1,000 with the following fees: $1.25 for a money order of $0.01 to $500.00; a cost of $1.75 for a money order of $500.01 to $1,000.00. Find a US Post Office near you.

Western Union

Western Union is often found in retailers like grocery stores and convenience stores. Therefore, there’s a good chance a Western Union agent is somewhere near you. Fees vary by location when you get a money order through Western Union. However, you can send a money order of up to $1,000 through this service.  Find a Western Union agent near you.

Money Gram

Money Gram is a competitor of Western Union. It’s also most commonly found in retailers like Walmart, grocery stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores. Expect to pay around 70 cents per order with Money Gram, which may vary by location. Find a Money Gram location near you.


7-Eleven has a big nationwide footprint and presence in 17 countries worldwide. It’s a great option to get a money order – for a maximum of $1,000. 7-Eleven partners with Money Gram and Western Union, depending on the location. The fees vary but expect that a money order will cost you 1-3% of the total amount of the money order with a minimum charge of $0.65. Find a 7-Eleven near you.

Banks and credit unions

Not all banks and credit unions offer money orders, but some will. Unfortunately, banks are one of the most expensive ways to order money. It depends on the institution, but you can expect to pay around $5 when you get a money order through a bank. Chase Bank, Santander Bank, TD Bank, and Wells Fargo are a few banks that offer money orders, but we recommend calling ahead of time. You may need to open an account with the bank to take advantage of that service.

Finally, Check out World’s Top ten money transfer companies to learn more about money orders and our other ways to send money internationally.

We hope you like our Best Places to Get Money Orders Near Me post. Also, check Himal Deals for an online directory.

Our Partner’s

USA Classifieds

USA Classifieds

USA Classifieds

There are lots of websites where you can post free and paid classifieds. For example, USA Classifieds is also a free and paid service provider. Please have a look there F&Q so that you can understand better.

Classified Ads are a style of internet and print advertising that appears in publications under a specific category. Classified internet advertising assists companies and people in accessing local customers, including those in online newspapers for vacant positions, rental properties, automobiles, and furniture.

Before the internet gained popularity, classified advertising was a kind of conventional marketing. Local and national newspapers would publish classified advertising from people for anything from dating to dogs and furnishings. Online classified advertising is now available through well-known publications, including regional newspapers.

There are many different kinds of classified advertising, including those placed by people searching for work and businesses posting job listings in publications’ classified sections. Classified advertisements are a terrific option for both businesses and individuals since you can sell nearly anything utilising them. But what exactly are classified advertisements, and are they appropriate for your company’s needs? To discover more, continue reading.

USA Classifieds

What are Classified Ads?

Print and online publications are only two of the various marketing channels that companies may utilise to boost sales and profitability. The practice of paying a journal to advertise in its exclusive section is classified advertising. These adverts may be seen in print and online periodicals and newspapers and allow for the publication of nearly anything.

Generally speaking, classified ads are brief adverts that people and companies may use to market their goods and services. For instance, landlords may use classified advertisements to draw in prospective renters, while a housekeeping service would use them to locate new clients. Nevertheless, they may also be employed for product advertisement.

Benefits & drawbacks of classified ads

It’s not a novel idea—many people still utilise classified ads to locate goods and services in their neighbourhood. For instance, a person searching for their next flat may start their investigation by looking at a classified internet ad. Classified advertising has advantages and disadvantages, just like other marketing and advertising strategies.


Benefits: Simplicity, Low Cost, Reach


Drawbacks: Limited Reach, No Targeting, Length of Availability

1. I want to post an ad. How do I start?

To start posting ads, you will need to create an account. The Email address you entered during registration will need to be verified. We will send you a verification code during verification, which you must paste to the presented form or click the link from your Email. Once your Email address is verified, you may start posting ads. When you log on to the system, your name is displayed at the top centre of the navigation bar.

2. I have created an account and asked to enter a verification code. But I have yet to receive an email with the verification code.

Please make sure you have entered a correct and valid Email address. Then, log on to the board with your registered Email address and password and click register/update. If your Email Address is incorrect, make the necessary changes and connect “Update Account”. The verification code will be resent to the new address you specified. Please note: The verification code is resent if you change an Email Address. If you selected the correct address, but the Email did not reach you, log on and click the “resend” link on the verification form.

3. I do not see the appropriate category or subcategory to post my ad.

If you cannot find an appropriate category to post your ad under, please let us know, and we will create a new group if it does not contradict our policies.

4. I posted my ad under the wrong category by mistake. Can I change the type?

The ad can move into a different category by the site administrator.

Please let us know if you would like to move your ad.

For more details, please visit USA Classifieds.

Our Partner’s

Himal Deals

Himal Deals

Himal Deals

Himal Deals is an online shopping directory. It provides different companies with links to buy services and goods. It only lists trusted and best UK and global vendors on one platform. Furthermore, it is an affiliate website, so we don’t sell directly. We aim to connect you to the best service providers and goods sellers. Sometimes, they send different offers, deals, vouchers, discounts, and our vendors. They refer to highly trustable companies and the brand only. So you can buy with confidence.

Himal Deals offers a few fundamental services using cutting-edge IT. It provides a connection to purchase services and products from various businesses. Only the best and most reliable merchants from the UK and worldwide are listed on this site. Additionally, as it is an affiliate website, no direct sales are made there. Instead, they aim to introduce you to the top service providers and retailers. Similarly, they provide business offers, deals, coupons, and discounts on our website and social media. But once more, they simply talk about the brand and very reliable businesses. so that you may shop with assurance.

Himal Deals

History with Affiliation Networks

We started the affiliation business part-time in 2013; however, we are confident that we can do much better, so we have decided to take our new affiliation website work seriously. We have been working with different vendors for a long time. If you’d like to know how it works, please take a look at the below affiliation website.

Online Shopping In the UK - The Past and Present of Online Shopping in the UK

The United Kingdom has played host to one of the most advanced e-commerce markets globally. An English inventor, Michael Aldrich, is credited for introducing online shopping to the UK and the world. He founded the “teleputer”, which he implemented to establish a communication network based on internet protocols to develop an online business-to-business (B2B) shopping system for customers. Statistics have suggested that the UK e-commerce market will significantly hike financial input and investment between 2019 and 2024. Researchers hypothesise that this hike will amount to an almost 29.6% increase. The walk will reflect the evident change in customer preferences toward online shopping.

Why online shopping?

In online shopping, products and services are purchased from vendors online. The World Wide Web has allowed businesses to sell their products online since its inception. The convenience of online shopping allows customers to browse at home or on a computer. Consumers can buy nearly anything from retailers who sell their goods online, as they can access a wide range of items. Hundreds of items customers may purchase from an online store: books, clothes, furniture, toys, hardware, software, and health insurance.

Due to the ease, many individuals choose to purchase online. For instance, when a person buys in a physical store, she must drive there, find a parking spot, and then stroll all over the store until she finds the items she wants. She could frequently wait in queue at the register after discovering the products she wanted to buy. In contrast, shoppers may avoid these drawbacks while purchasing online. One has to access the Internet, go to the store’s website, & select the goods she wants. Until she is prepared to make her purchase, the things are kept in a virtual shopping cart. Shopping may be done in the small hours of the morning or well into the night, & the shopper can stay in her pyjamas the entire time. Rarely close online shops.

There are multiple reasons why customers nowadays prefer online shopping.
  • Ease of access and searching for products and services
  • Shop from any location
  • Delivery to any location
  • Lower Prices
  • Higher customer value
  • Easy and efficient return policies
  • Access to a worldwide market
  • Better time management
  • No need for queues
  • Access to the latest trends and products



Finally, we’d like to ask you to check other pages on IT and SEO Consultant.

Our Partner’s

Online Grocery Store in Nepal

Online Grocery Store in Nepal

Online Grocery Store in Nepal

Online Grocery Store in Nepal – Himal Mart Pvt. Ltd is Nepal’s leading online grocery store, operating through the capital city of the Himalayan nation, Kathmandu. Himal Mart is an Online grocery supermarket that serves essential items for daily regimens, including groceries, baby care products, bakery and dairy items, personal care items, Beverages, and household products. It creates a convenient and trustable atmosphere for customers to do shopping on the way via apps or websites. We provide you access to genuine products online in Nepal manufactured by regional and international brands focusing on high-quality products.

Online Grocery Store in Nepal

Himal Mart Near Me

As a responsible grocery online shop in Kathmandu, we strive to serve organic and local food products from our factory outlets. We have an inventory of our manufacturing plant run by our skilled workforce. This online grocery store is known for serving freshly picked organic vegetables and fresh fruits online, keeping our customers from consuming pesticide-laden food. We focus specifically on local products and have successfully run a plant for six years. Our locally based skilful human resources have gained extensive experience manufacturing local products of premium quality.

Online Grocery Store in Nepal Near Me

Meanwhile, entrepreneurs working to supply higher-quality essential commodities quickly benefit by featuring their products with our easy business policy. The immense popularity and dire need to consume organic products have successfully established the online retail store to serve our valuable customers. Whether you want to buy groceries online in Nepal at bulk at wholesale rate for retailing or your single-use at wholesale price, Himal Mart always has focused on minimal price rates and assures you to continue in the future.

Grocery Shopping in Nepal from the UK 

For more comfortable reach, search for an online grocery store near me, and shop for all of your valuables for your daily need under one roof, as is established for convenient and hassle-free shopping of day-to-day stuff. As you make a purchase, we guarantee to deliver only Quality Checked items to your doorstep from top-rated brands in Nepal. Also, we assure you of the best product price guarantee whenever you visit our online grocery store.

Top online grocery stores in Nepal

Online Grocery Store in Nepal is a revolutionary approach to its customers. It develops a culture of how you shop your groceries and other imperatives. It provides an Easy Shopping ambience with every item categorised under different heads. You can select your items without difficulties and enjoy the easiest shopping methods by logging into the official website of

In addition to saving time, energy, and money, ordering groceries online or using an app may frequently result in significant savings. There are several specials & offers according to the days, holidays, & more. Customers have various payment options to select from. Cash or credit cards can be used to pay for the delivery. Even online payments using bank cards (debit or credit cards) are possible, as are payments made through online payment gateways like eSewa, khalti, etc., where customers occasionally have the opportunity of receiving cash-back alternatives that result in further savings. Online grocery shopping lets you rest as things are delivered to your home. Yes, it is pretty straightforward.

Himal Mart App is another option to shop for groceries in a few more straightforward steps. Going with digitalisation flow, we also offer a secure payment system from digital platforms like Khalti, IME Pay, Esewa, Fone Pay or cash on delivery, according to your convenience. Our easy return policy also contributes to gaining the trust and confidence of our customers to a higher level. Regardless of your purchase, we guarantee to deliver 100% genuine items to your doorstep with our Express Delivery Service over different parts of Nepal.

Finally, please check out our other blogs to learn about other businesses.

Similarly, visit Himal Deals to learn more about different deals.

Our Partner’s